In a recent
ESPN survey, Toronto was ranked as the worst sports city in North America. The leafs were ranked as the worst NHL franchise, the Raptors ranked as the third worst NBA franchise and the Blue Jays were ranked as the fourth worst MLB franchise.
At first glance that might seem a little bit harsh but consider the following:
-The last time the Toronto Maple Leafs won the Stanley cup was my mother was ten year old (I'm 21)
-In 09/10 the
average ticket for a Leafs game was $114 compared to the second highest average of $72 (Montreal) and the lowest average of $35 (Dallas and Tampa)
-In the short and embarrassing history of the Toronto Raptors all we have to show are a series of playoff disappointments and two pampered stars who left our city in disarray.
-TFC has arguably the best fan base in the MLS and have yet to make a playoff appearance
It can't just be the poor climate and stereotype of an igloo that keeps players from wanting to either come or stay in Toronto. As of 2008, MLSE was valued at $1.2 billion. Hopefully someone buys the shares of the Ontario Teacher's Pension Plan and beat the shit out of Larry Tanenbaum and Richard Peddie.
Someone needs to save sports in Toronto...